Sunday, July 19, 2009

Yarn Tasting

Art Fibers yarn store, based in California, had a yarn tasting event at Overlook Park today. Natalie organized the event (and did a very good job I might add) mostly through word of mouth and folks on Ravelry. I saw some knitters from Monday night knitting at Overlook House and some folks from the Portland Knitting Guild. It was a little chilly at first. All the yarn was under the shelter and the wind whipped right through. But as we sat in the sun knitting it heated up quickly. We all kept going back for more, "Did I already try this one?" I kept hearing. Most people kept reaching for the same thing. We all had our favorite. Mine was Kyoto. Some folks even brought snacks. The people who had the space for rent after us came early so we had to leave :( but otherwise it was really fun. I made a quilt square out of my Kyoto samples. I love this stuff.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

And now in biking news...

I've been biking to school every day for a few weeks now.(I even biked through my period. now *that's* the shit) I still can't get up the hill on Main street after I cross the Hawthorne Bridge. Gotta walk it. But I ride everything else. Which is pretty good I guess.

Well today I rode to school and it was cloudy but by the time I came back out it was pouring. I had a feeling so I brought a little plastic bad to cover my seat. But I didn't bring any kind of rain gear. So I got soaked. was OK. With the exception of my hands which froze ice cold solid, I made it in one piece and did not melt.

Thanks for encouraging me Ben. You are my hero.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Yup more yarn

Spent the last of the money on Knit/Purl gift cards on three skeins of this yummy Shibui yarn. Put it up for sale on Ravelry and craigslist. After this I'm going to have to go through my stash and my books for things to sell. Today I have applied for jobs, put up ads on craigslist to sell off my worldly goods, started some laundry and graded papers for my class. Tomorrow I gotta go pick up the boy from the train station. Freedom must come to an end.